(A)   A proposal to amend the bylaws may be made at any regular meeting when a quorum is present and must be submitted in writing. The proposed amendment shall be mailed with the notice of regular meeting and a ballot taken on the amendment at the meeting following the one at which the proposed amendment was submitted.
   (B)   A two-thirds affirmation vote of the members of the Fire Department shall be necessary to amend or alter the bylaws. Such amendment, if voted, shall take affect upon approval by the Village Board.
   (C)   The state requires a minimum of 60 hours training of firefighting for all new members. Before a member completes this course, he or she cannot be near the fire scene. He or she can run the pumps and drag hoses. The state requires full turn out gear to be worn on the scene of a fire or accident. If the courses are available, new members are to complete it within the first year. Cost of the course and books are paid by the village. Upon completion of the course, the state reimburses the village for this cost.
(1999 Code, § 32.22)