(A) Members shall, upon arriving at a fire, report to the Chief. They shall prepare themselves in readiness to do what may be required of them. All members shall assist in the work of the Fire Department whether it may be their assigned duties or not.
(B) Prompt, quiet obedience shall be given to orders from officers and disruption cannot be allowed while on duty.
(C) A civil demeanor should always be preserved towards all non-members of the Fire Department, but no orders shall be taken from them.
(D) All reckless destruction of property shall be avoided and members must remember that it is their duty to protect property.
(E) The position of the members at a fire shall be determined by the Chief. The Assistant Chief shall report to the Chief any changes which he or she considers necessary in the placing of hose crews and other equipment.
(F) Members stationed along hose lines shall see that no heavy articles, wagons, or cars are moved or dragged across the hose, that spectators do not stand upon or charge the lines, to report at once the bursting of the length in charge, and to pass orders to and from the hydrant. As soon as a person executes an order which calls him or her from his or her assigned location, he or she shall return to it without delay.
(G) At a fire, it shall be the duty of the Chief to require that the Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, or Fire Department tapes are used to restrict the area to keep outsiders back, and to require that only firefighters come inside, and after the fire to see that the tapes are returned.
(H) No persons shall be allowed to enter any fire house or handle any apparatus or implements belonging to the Fire Department, unless accompanied by an active member of the Fire Department.
(I) No member shall appear at meetings or on duty in a state of intoxication or shall be guilty of using insulting, indecent, or improper language or be guilty of a conduct unbecoming a gentleman. For such improper conduct, he or she may be subject to suspension.
(J) Each member of the Fire Department shall be held personally responsible for all Fire Department equipment in his or her possession.
(1999 Code, § 32.21)