(A)   Meetings.
      (1)   The annual meeting of the Fire Department shall be held on the third Thursday of the month of November of each year. Newly elected officials will take office January 1 of the following year.
      (2)   The regular monthly meeting shall be held the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. or other hour specified on the notice of the meeting
      (3)   A special meeting may be called by the Chief at any time or shall be called by the Chief if given written request signed by five members. The object of the meeting must be stated in the call and no business other than the business stated in the call may be transacted. However, applications for membership may be presented, and the bills ordered paid. Notice of such meetings must be mailed by the Secretary two days in advance of special meetings, except in case of a meeting made immediately necessary by an emergency, in which case the Secretary shall make every possible effort to notify directly all members of the Fire Department in some manner of the meeting.
   (B)   Order of business. The following shall constitute the order of business at a meeting:
      (1)   Roll call;
      (2)   Reading of all minutes of meetings not yet approved;
      (3)   Communications and bills;
      (4)   Committees reports;
      (5)   Treasurer report;
      (6)   Applications for membership;
      (7)   Unfinished business;
      (8)   New business; and
      (9)   Adjournment.
   (C)   Rules of order. A quorum for any meeting shall consist of a majority of the members of the Fire Department. All questions concerning rules of order shall be decided by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
(1999 Code, § 32.16)