There shall be four classes of licenses.
(A) Dealer’s license. A Class A retailer’s license, when issued by the Village Clerk under authority of the Board, shall entitle the holder thereof to possess, sell, or offer for sale fermented malt beverages only for consumption away from the premises where sold in original packages, containers, or bottles. The fee for such Class A license shall be $100. There shall be imposed upon Class A retailer’s licenses a quota within the village, such quota being one license for every 300 population or part thereof. QUOTA is defined as the number of licenses the village may grant or have issued during any one licensing year.
(B) Tavern license. A Class B retailer’s license, when issued by the Village Clerk under authority of the Board, shall entitle the holder thereof to possess, sell, or offer for sale fermented malt beverages. The fee for such Class B license shall be $100. A license may be issued at any time for a period of six months in any calendar year for which three-fourths of the license fee shall be paid, but such six-month licenses shall not be renewable during the calendar year in which issued. Such licenses may also be associations or agricultural societies, lodges, or societies that have been in existence for not less than six months prior to the date of application or to posts now or hereafter established, of veterans organizations, authorizing them to sell fermented malt beverages at a particular picnic or similar gathering or at a meeting of any such posts during a fair conducted by such fair associations or agricultural societies for a fee of $10.
(C) Wine license. A Class C wine license, when issued by the Village Clerk under authority of the Board, shall entitle the holder thereof to possess, sell, or offer for sale wine only for consumption away from the premises where sold in original packages, containers, or bottles. The fee for such Class C license shall be $100.
(D) Wholesaler’s license. A wholesaler’s license when issued by the Village Clerk under authority of the Board to a domestic corporation or to a foreign corporation licensed under Wis. Stat. Ch. 226 of the business in this state or to persons who fulfill all the requirements as outlined in Wis. Stat. § 125.04(5) who have been residents of the state continuously for not less than one year prior to the date of filing application therefor shall entitle the holder thereof to possess, sell, or offer for sale fermented malt beverages only in original packages or containers and in quantities of not less than four and one-half gallons at any one time, not to be consumed in or about the premises where sold. The fee for a wholesale license shall be $25.
(1999 Code, § 110.17) (Ord. 127, passed 10-5-1987)