(A)   The village will replace damaged mailboxes when:
      (1)   It can be clearly established the damage was caused by the village hitting the mailbox or post with village property (heavy snow or ice rolling off the plow and consequently doing damage cannot be controlled and is not covered);
      (2)   It can be demonstrated the mailbox was placed consistent with this section;
      (3)   The mailbox shall be placed with the door of the mailbox to have a minimum of a six inches setback from the curb or edge of road;
      (4)   The mailbox should be positioned 41 inches to 45 inches above ground level;
      (5)   That no other obstructions, such as a newspaper box or support arm, was placed below the height requirement; or
      (6)   The broken post is found to be in otherwise sound condition (not rotten).
   (B)   The village will either replace with and install a wooden post and shelf style mailbox platform (along with a USPS standard size mailbox if it was too damaged), but not to exceed $25 per mailbox and post; or, if the owner wishes another style unit, they may purchase what they want and install it themselves. In such case, the village will pay only the $25 limit per mailbox and post.
(Ord. passed - -2016)