All water shall be supplied through meters that accurately measure the amount of water supplied to any building. The Superintendent, or the Superintendent’s assistant, shall make a test of the accuracy of any water meter at any time when requested in writing. If it is found that such member overruns to the extent of 5% or more, the cost of the tests shall be paid by the city and a refund shall be made to the customer for overcharges collected since the last known date of accuracy, but not for longer than six months. If the meter is found to be accurate or slow less than 5% fast, the patron shall pay the reasonable costs of the tests. Any meter found inaccurate beyond a tolerance of 5% shall not be returned to service until properly adjusted.
(Prior Code, § 6-3-15) (Ord. 03-04, passed 9-9-2003)
Statutory reference
   Concerning establishing districts and connection fees (H.F. 2343, 1994 legislative session), see Iowa Code § 384.38(3)