The Board shall have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   To determine the Board’s mission and purpose;
   (B)   To receive and make recommendations to the City Council relative to hiring and firing the Executive Director. The City Council shall have the sole authority and power to hire and fire the Executive Director;
   (C)   To support the Executive Director and review his or her performance and make reports to the City Council;
   (D)   To oversee the operation of the City Community Centre and City Sports Complex through broad policies and objectives;
   (E)   To elect a Secretary who shall have the duty to keep the true and correct record of all proceedings at all meetings and to file the same with the City Clerk where they shall be available for public inspection at any reasonable time. The Secretary and presiding officer at the meeting shall sign the minutes, resolutions, and other official documents adopted or approved by the Board. The minutes, along with the next meeting agenda, shall be provided to the members and posted for public inspection at least four days, but not more than 20 days prior to the meeting. Minutes from Board meetings shall also be accepted by the City Council at the first regular meeting of the month;
   (F)   To determine salaries and wages for employees of the City Community Centre. Salaries and wages to be paid to the Executive Director and all employees of the City Community Centre shall be included in the annual budget. Salaries and wages shall be recommended by the Board but subject to final approval by the Council.
   (G)   To submit a complete annual line item budget of all anticipated fiscal year expenditures. This budget, together with the recommendations of the Board, shall be subject to final approval by the Council.
   (H)   To make rules and regulations for the use of the City Community Centre and City Sports Complex or for the conduct of recreation programs.
(Prior Code, § 4-3-5)