(A)   Office created. There is hereby created the office of City Administrator. The office shall be filled by a resolution adopted by majority vote of the Council. The person appointed shall hold office at the discretion of the Council and shall be subject to removal by a resolution adopted by a majority vote of the Council. The qualifications for the position shall include competency through education or experience to perform the duties placed upon the Administrator.
(Prior Code § 2-2A-1)
   (B)   Compensation. The compensation for the City Administrator, including expenses shall be in an amount and in the form as may from time to time be fixed by Council by resolution. The Council is hereby authorized, in its discretion, to enter into employment contracts with the City Administrator as may be necessary for his or her employment.
(Prior Code, § 2-2A-2)
   (C)   Duties generally.
      (1)   The City Administrator is directly responsible to the Council for the administration of municipal affairs as directed by that body. All city departmental administration requiring the attention of the Council shall be brought before the Council by the Administrator. Council involvement in administration initiated by the Council must be coordinated through the Administrator. A specific job description for the position of City Administrator shall be adopted by separate resolution of the Council and may be changed from time to time as may be warranted.
      (2)   The duties of the Administrator include the following:
         (a)   Supervise enforcement and execution of city laws and assure resolutions, ordinances, laws, and Council directives and operational policies are enforced and executed, or referred to the proper official for compliance.
         (b)   Attend meetings of the Council, unless excused by the Mayor.
         (c)   Recommend to the Council measures necessary or expedient for good government and welfare of the city, including evaluation, development, and updating operating procedures and policies.
         (d)   Provide general supervision and direction for the administration of city government to expedite efficient administration of city’s business.
         (e)   Supervise the performance of contracts for work to be done for the city, and all purchases of material and supplies; ensure that material and supplies are received and are of the quality and specification called for by the contract, and consult with department heads with reference to said contracts.
         (f)   To direct the purchasing of all commodities, materials, supplies, capital outlay, and services for all departments of the city that have been budgeted and appropriated by appropriate resolution of the Council and to enforce a program to determine that such purchases are received and are of the quality and charter called for in the order.
         (g)   Cooperate and advise present or future administrative agencies, boards, or commissions which are responsible to the Mayor and Council.
         (h)   Together with the Clerk, communicate and keep the Council fully informed of the condition of city departments, including their financial management, progress, budgets, background or historical information, future needs, goals, and objectives in language and format for public consumption.
         (i)   Introduce new and approved methods for the elimination of wasteful practices following modern municipal procedures and law requirements.
         (j)   Perform administrative duties designated by resolution of the Council.
         (k)   Advise the Council on participation in programs and policies with other government political subdivisions, including city, county, state, or federal entities, and/or which may be affected by court decisions, liability, or other related matters and suggest and coordinate city grant proposals.
         (l)   Participate in public relations and public information activities and programs to keep the public informed through speeches, attending meetings, and attending social gatherings, and provide information to the media.
         (m)   Provide to the Council periodic itemized financial reports in writing concerning current and completed projects.
         (n)   In coordination with the City Clerk, prepare and administer city’s operating budget.
         (o)   Coordinate with the Clerk to cause accurate records of the city to be kept.
         (p)   Order the abatement of nuisances at city expense.
         (q)   Supervise and direct the official conduct of all officers, departments, and employees of the city.
         (r)   Recommend the hiring or discharging of all employees of the city. This shall not include employees appointed by the Mayor or Council under other ordinances.
         (s)   Obtain for the city, upon order of the Council, such specialized and professional services deemed necessary by the Council and not already available to the city.
         (t)   Serve as city liaison with local economic development groups.
         (u)   Administer and enforce the city’s zoning ordinance.
         (v)   Perform such other duties as the Council may direct.
(Prior Code, § 2-2A-3)
   (D)   Residency requirement. The City Administrator shall become a resident of the city, and continued residency in the city is a requirement for continued employment with the city.
(Prior Code, § 2-2A-4)
   (E)   Bond. The City Administrator shall be bonded for the performance of all duties in favor of the city, in an amount to be determined by the Council by resolution, but in no event shall the bond be less than $10,000. The city shall pay the cost of the bond.
(Prior Code, § 2-2A-5)
(Ord. 2020-02, passed 2-11-2020)