(A)   Every motor vehicle licensed for five tons or more, when loaded or empty, having no fixed terminal within the city or making no schedule or definite stops within the city for the purpose of loading or unloading, shall travel over or upon the following streets within the city and none other: Burds Road, Deerwood Street, Enterprise Drive, Kapp Court, Kapp Drive, and Peosta Street.
   (B)   Any motor vehicle licensed for five tons or more, having a fixed terminal, making a scheduled or definite stop within the city for the purpose of loading or unloading, shall proceed over or upon the designated routes set out in this section to the nearest point of its scheduled or definite stop and shall proceed thereto, load or unload, and return by the most direct route to its point of departure from the designated route.
   (C)   The owner, or any other person, employing or otherwise directing the driver of any vehicle shall not require or knowingly permit the operation of such vehicle upon a street in any manner contrary to this section.
(Prior Code, § 3-3-43) (Ord. 02-07, passed 10-22-2002; Ord. 03-04, passed 9-9-2003)