The operators of ATVs and UTVs shall comply with the following restrictions as to where ATVs and UTVs may be operated within the city:
   (A)   ATVs and UTVs may be operated on all city streets unless prohibited by this section. ATVs and UTVs may stop at service stations or convenience stores along any permitted street.
   (B)   ATVs and UTVs shall not be operated upon the city property or City Hall Parking lot and the City Community Center Parking lot Monday through Friday for the purpose of the City Elementary School morning drop off and afternoon pickup of children.
   (C)   The time of operation shall be 24 hours a day, seven days a week in accordance with the Iowa Code § 321.
   (D)   Employees of the city, since it is political subdivision, can legally operate a UTV/ATV on prohibited streets for the purpose of construction or maintenance per the Iowa Code § 321.234A.
   (E)   An ATV or UTV may be driven directly across a railroad right-of-way only at an established crossing and, notwithstanding any other provisions of law, may, if necessary, use the improved portion of the established crossing after yielding to all oncoming traffic.
(Prior Code, § 3-14-4) (Ord. 2021-06, passed 9-14-2021; Ord. 2022-10, passed 7-12-2022)