When an officer has probable cause to believe that a motor vehicle is subject to seizure and impound as listed in section 7-5-1-1 of this chapter, the officer shall:
   A.   Notify the on duty supervisor, or if no supervisor is on duty, notify the next supervisor that is on duty of the seizure and impoundment and the nature of the offense.
   B.   Inventory and provide for the towing of the vehicle to a facility listed on the towing list as provided in section 7-5-2 of this chapter. If the vehicle is towed to a location not on the village towing list, the officer shall notify the person taking possession of the vehicle that it is to be held until the village police department authorizes its release.
   C.   When practical, the officer shall allow the removal of personal property from the vehicle prior to towing if the property is not needed for evidence, subject to forfeiture or otherwise needed to be maintained by the police. Officers generally will not wait at the scene of any seizure to allow the removal of personal property or the summoning of persons to remove property. Persons under arrest will generally not be allowed to remove property prior to their release.
   D.   Prepare a written police report, notice of seizure (when immediately deliverable) and tow report, when practical, prior to ending his or her shift. The preparation of the police report allows for the conduct of a preliminary hearing, supervisory review and review by the evidence custodian for possible release of personal property. The report shall state whether the vehicle or property contained therein is subject to forfeiture or is to be held for any other reason. (Ord. 2008-1303, 10-7-2008)