Sec. 21-710. Intent.
A.   It is the purpose of this Section to establish regulations which recognize that development of hillside areas involves special considerations which result from the slope of the land. These considerations include but are not limited to increased hazards to development from rock falls, storm water runoff, geologic hazards, increased limitations on vehicular travel, and increased difficulties in providing public services. In addition, steeply sloped lands introduce design limitations to roadways, cuts and fills, and building sites.
B.   The Hillside Development Overlay District is an overlay district that applies to all land wherever the natural terrain of any lot or parcel or any portion thereof has a slope of ten percent (10%) or greater. The application of the Hillside Development Overlay district shall be as depicted below in Table 1, Hillside Determination.
Table 1 Hillside Determination 
< 10% slope
10% slope
5 acres with 50% or more of the site in Hillside
5 acres with less than 50% of the site in Hillside
Only areas greater than 10% considered Hillside
C.   All rezoning applications to Planned Community District (PCD) and Planned Area Developments (PAD) shall conform with the provisions of this Section unless expressly modified through an approved PC or PAD District Standards/Guidelines Report and Development Plan.
D.   Conservation features identified in Section 21-726 shall be preserved in accordance with that Section.
(Ord. No. 99-105, 11-2-99; Ord. No. 02-27, 4-16-02; Ord. No. 04-201, 10-6-04; Ord. No. 2011-08, 3-22-11; Ord. No. 2014-21, 6-17-14; Ord. No. 2017-33, § 139, 6-13-17)