CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - any Penn Township Supervisor or other person designated or appointed by the Penn Township Supervisors to enforce the ordinances of the Township of Penn. [Ord. 66]
   CONTINUOUS BARKING - sustained barking by a dog.
   DOG OWNER - when applied to the proprietorship of a dog, means every person having a right of property in any dog, and every person who keeps or harbors any dog or has a dog in his/her care and every person who permits any dog to remain on or about any premises occupied or controlled by him/her.
   KEEPER - any person who shall possess, maintain, house or harbor any dog, or otherwise have custody of any dog, whether or not the owner of such dog, whether for compensation or otherwise.
   POLICE OFFICER - any officer of the Pennsylvania State Police or any duly sworn law enforcement officer authorized to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the Township of Penn.
   PREMISES - a tract of land, including buildings, located in Penn Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania.
   REPETITIVE BARKING - barking by a dog at frequent intervals.
(Ord. 50, 11/3/1994, § 1; as amended by Ord. 66, 9/5/2002, § 1)