1.   A contractor that collects refuse shall make collection services available with sufficient frequency to prevent a nuisance or hazard to public health, safety or welfare. [Ord. 66]
   2.   A contractor shall schedule collection of refuse with sufficient frequency to prevent a nuisance. [Ord. 66]
   3.   A contractor shall not park a refuse collection or transportation vehicle to cause a nuisance or a hazard to public health, safety and welfare. A contractor shall not allow a refuse collection or transportation vehicle to remain in a residential area for more than four hours. [Ord. 66]
   4.   Collection or transportation vehicles shall be moved to unloading destinations within 24 hours after being loaded.
(Ord. 48, 12/17/1992, § 106; as amended by Ord. 66, 9/5/2002, § 1)