As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated, unless a different meaning appears clearly from the context:
   BOARD - Board of Supervisors of Penn Township. [Ord. 66] DISPOSAL - storage, collection, disposal or handling of garbage.
   DWELLING - place of residence within the Township of Penn of one or more persons where refuse is generated through normal living habits. It shall not include apartments or buildings devoted to multiple family occupancy.
   GARBAGE - means all animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking or consumption of foods.
   OCCUPANT - person generally in possession and control of any dwelling.
   PERSON - any individual, association, partnership, firm, corporation or other legal entity [Ord. 66]
   REFUSE - all solid waste/municipal waste, except human body wastes, including garbage and rubbish.
   RUBBISH - glass, metal, paper, plant growth, wood or nonputrescible solid waste.
   SOLID WASTE/MUNICIPAL WASTE - any waste including, but not limited to, municipal, residual or hazardous wastes, including solidified liquids, semisolids or contained gaseous materials.
   TOWNSHIP - The Township of Penn, Centre County, Pennsylvania. [Ord. 66]
In this Part, the singular shall include the plural; the plural shall include the singular; and the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter.
(Ord. 48, 12/17/1992, § 102; as amended by Ord. 66, 9/5/2002, § 1)