The owner of any property proposing to utilize holding tank or tanks for onsite disposal of their sanitary sewage shall:
      A.   Apply for a Township sewage facilities Act 537 permit in accordance with the applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
      B.   Attach proof of agreement between the owner and a certified sewage disposal hauler whereas the hauler contractually agrees to pump at regular intervals, and dispose of at an approved site, the waste from herein referenced holding tanks.
      C.   Attach proof of agreement between the contract hauler and an approved waste disposal site satisfactory to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. [Ord. 66]
      D.   All waste haulers authorized to pump, transport and dispose of holding tank waste in the Township of Penn shall furnish to the Township Supervisors a schedule of their pumping quantities to allow the Township to ensure sufficient size and capability of the tank(s) being utilized.
      E.   The Township, and/or its authorized representative, shall inspect prior to the installation of any holding tanks, their construction, water tightness, size and location in conformance with their sewage facilities application.
      F.   If, in the opinion of the Township or its authorized representative, any holding tank is broken, leaking or not being satisfactorily pumped at regular intervals, the Township shall file violation proceedings and require immediate correction by the owner or operator of the property site involved.
(Ord. 17, 10/4/1973, § 3; as amended by Ord. 66, 9/5/2002, § 1)