1.   Meeting business shall be conducted in the order shown by the agenda, as presented by the Secretary, with revisions approved by a majority. The normal agenda will be as follows:
      A.   Call to order.
      B.   Pledge of Allegiance.
      C.   Public Participation. Public comment at regular or special meetings shall be governed by the following rules and regulations:
         (1)   A period of public comment shall be held at each meeting.
         (2)   The Chairman of the Board shall preside over the public comment period and may, within his discretion:
            (a)   Recognize individuals wishing to offer comment.
            (b)   Require identification of such persons.
            (c)   Allocate available time among individuals wishing to comment.
            (d)   Rule out of order scandalous, impertinent or redundant comment or any comment the discernible purpose of which is to disrupt or prevent the conduct of the business of the meeting.
         (3)   The time allocated for the public comment period at each meeting shall be 3 minutes.
         (4)   If there is not enough time for public comment at a meeting, the Board of Supervisors, at its discretion, may defer the public comment period to a meeting held before the next regular or special meeting, or until the next regular or special meeting.
[Ord. 66]
      D.   Approval of minutes (copies submitted to Supervisors prior to meeting).
      E.   Financial report.
      F.   Plan reviews.
      G.   Scheduled speakers.
      H.   Unfinished business.
      I   New business.
      J.   Citizen's agenda items (if arranged with the Secretary 4 days before the meeting day). Limited to 3 minutes each, and a total of lid hour. The times may be changed at any time by a majority of the members of the Board. [A.O.]
      K.   Correspondence.
      L.   Items not on agenda.
      M.   Bill approval.
      N.   Adjournment.
(Res. 96-7, 6/6/1996, § 8; as amended by Ord. 66, 9/5/2002, § 1)