(a) Crimes to Which This Section is Applicable. This section shall apply to every person who, within the period of ten years immediately prior to his arrival in the Village, has been convicted in any Federal Court of any crime which is deemed, designated, or specified to be a felony, according to the United States Criminal Code, or who, within the period of ten years immediately prior to his arrival in the Village, has been convicted of any crime in a court of any state of the United States, which crime is deemed, designated or specified to be a felony in the state in which such conviction occurred.
(b) Registration.
(1) Every person named in subsection (a) hereof who comes within the Village from any point outside thereof, whether in transit through the Village or not, shall report to the Chief of Police within forty-eight hours after his arrival within the corporate limits, and shall furnish to the Chief a written statement signed by such person containing his true name and each other name or alias by which such person is or has been known; a full and complete description of such person; the name of each of the felonies of which he has been convicted or to which he has pleaded guilty; the title of the court wherein such proceedings occurred and the location of the court; and the name under which he was there charged and the date of such plea and conviction. Such written statement shall also contain the name and location of any and each prison, reformatory, and other penal institution in which he has been confined upon sentence therefor, together with the address of his residence, stopping place or living quarters within the Village, if any, or the address or location of his intended residence, stopping place or living quarters and each thereof, and the length of time he intends to remain or reside in the Village.
(2) Whoever violates or fails to comply with this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues.
(c) Photographing and Fingerprinting. At the time of furnishing the information required by subsection (a) hereof, by any person, the Chief of Police shall cause such person to be photographed and a record of his fingerprints to be made, which photograph and record shall be made a part of the permanent record provided for by this section.
(d) Change of Address.
(1) In the event that any person specified in subsection (a) hereof changes any place of residence, stopping place or living quarters to any new or different place, or establishes any new place of residence or stopping place or living quarters within the Village other than those shown by his previous report to the Chief of Police, he shall, within twenty-four hours thereafter, notify the Chief in writing signed by him, of such change of address, and shall furnish in such written statement the address of each additional place of residence, stopping place or living quarters.
(2) Whoever violates or fails to comply with this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(e) False Statements.
(1) No person who is required by any of the provisions of this section to furnish any report or information shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with each and all of the terms of this section or make any false or fictitious statement with respect to any fact required to be included in such report or statement.
(2) Whoever violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(f) Records of Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall cause to be made a permanent record of all information, including photographs and fingerprints, required by the provisions of this section, to be furnished to or by him, and shall forthwith furnish a copy of any part or all thereof to any duly constituted and acting officer of the Village, County, State or the United States, charged with the duty of prosecuting offenders, and such record shall at all times be open to the inspection of any officer charged with the enforcement of the laws having jurisdiction within the territorial limits of the Village, but no portion thereof shall be open to the inspection of others, except when, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, it is necessary in the administration of the law.
(g) Pardoned Person Exempt. Nothing in this section shall be deemed or construed to apply to any person who has received full pardon for each crime with respect to which he would otherwise be required by the terms of this section to furnish a report or statement.
(Ord. 269A-1985. Passed 6-10-85.)