(a) In any residential district, no fence or portion thereof shall exist within two feet of the front of any street lot line.
(b) In any residential district, no fence shall be erected which unreasonably obstructs the front yard sight line or is otherwise hazardous.
(c) All fences shall not be more than four feet in height unless otherwise permitted. No berm shall be used to allow a fence to exceed the maximum allowed height of a fence as measured from the natural grade of land without the berm.
(1) R-2 Small Town Residential. All fences in front of the front building line or on the street side(s) of corner lots shall be limited to not more than four feet. All side and rear fences shall be limited to not more than six feet when located ten feet behind the front building line of the dwelling.
(2) R-1 Rural Residential. All fences in front of the front building line or on the street side(s) of corner lots shall be limited to not more than four feet. All side and rear fences shall be limited to not more than six feet when located 10 feet behind the front building line of the dwelling.
(3) C Commercial. All side and rear fences shall be limited to not more than six feet when located behind the front building line.
(4) Industrial, Research and Laboratory Uses as described in Section 1109.03 shall be permitted fencing 6 feet in height in the side and rear of the property.
(d) Fences or walls required by some federal, State or other documented regulation to surround and/or enclose public utility installations shall not be limited as to height in any district.
(e) In all districts which require a front yard, no obstruction in excess of three feet shall be placed on any corner lot within a triangular area formed by the street right-of-way lines and a line connecting points twenty-five feet from the intersection of the street right-of-way lines or the projected points thereof.
(f) Any fence with an unfinished side that shows posts must have an unfinished side showing posts toward the property owner installing the fence.
(g) Materials. Fences shall be constructed out of any of the following materials: redwood, cedar, or No. 1 pressure treated wood, recycled lumber or vinyl closely resembling wood, wrought iron or aluminum closely resembling wrought iron, stone, brick, concrete with stone or brick veneer, or pre-cast concrete simulated stone or brick. All other materials including but not limited to chain link, vinyl clad chain link, woven wire or plastic mesh (with or without wooden slats) are prohibited unless otherwise and expressly permitted in the Ordinance.
(1) R-1 Rural Residential Side and Rear Materials. R-1 side or rear yard fencing materials may include chain link galvanized or black in color. R-1 side or rear yard fencing may incorporate electrical or barbed wire (not razor wire) for the purpose of animal containment.
(2) R-2 Small Town Residential Side and Rear Materials. R-2 side or rear yard fencing materials may include chain link galvanized or black in color.
(3) C Commercial. C side and rear yard fencing material that is intended to screen a dumpster or the outside storage of materials shall be constructed of a material that provides a solid screening to the adjacent property.
(h) District Abutments. Fencing abutting any R-2 Small Town Residential District lot line shall be limited to not more than six feet and shall comply with the materials requirements set forth in subsection (g) hereof, except as required by subsection (g) (3).
(Ord. 21-2020. Passed 12-14-20.)