Because of the wide variety of land uses and the relationships between them and because of many different circumstances, the Commission may reduce or waive the screening and buffer zone requirements of this chapter after a detailed review and evaluation of an alternative screening plan. Whenever the Commission modifies the screening requirement, it shall find that the following standards have been met:
   (a)   The landscape/screening plan shall protect the character of new and existing residential neighborhoods against negative impacts such as noise, glare, light, air pollution, trash and debris, and hazardous activities.
   (b)   The Commission shall determine the screening, width and type of buffer zone needed to ensure compatibility based upon the following criteria:
      (1)   The development is compatible with and sensitive to the immediate environment of the site and neighborhood relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, identified historical character, disposition and orientation of buildings on the lot and visual integrity.
      (2)   The site has natural existing vegetation and/or topography, natural bodies of water or wetland areas or other existing conditions which offer screening consistent with the standards set forth in this chapter. The Commission shall require the retention of these natural features as a condition of site plan approval.
      (3)   The arrangement, design and orientation of buildings on this site lends itself so as to maximize the opportunity for privacy and isolation from negative impacts of this project.
         (Ord. 21-2020. Passed 12-14-20.)