(a)   Plant Material Requirements.
      (1)   Deciduous or evergreen shrubs used in a landscape screen shall be at least two feet high at initial planting and shall be expected and permitted to grow to a height of at least three feet within two years of planting; such materials shall be expected and permitted to grow to a height of five feet.
      (2)   At initial planting, deciduous trees shall be a minimum of two- and one-half-inch caliper, ornamental trees a minimum of two-inch caliper and evergreen trees a minimum of five feet in height.
      (3)   The required height of a landscape screen may be reduced where it is determined by the Village Engineer and/or Zoning Officer that such landscaping would interfere with traffic safety and visibility.
      (4)   The required height of a landscape screen may be increased where significant changes in elevations between an adjacent property or public right-of-way make it necessary to comply with the intent of this Ordinance.
      (5)   The selected combination of plant materials shall be a harmonious combination of living deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs and vines irregularly spaced to provide an effective year-round screen and to present an aesthetically pleasing view, and all quantities shall be based on the on a landscape plan that has been submitted and approved by the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Screening of Service Areas.
      (1)   For commercial, industrial, office, institutional and multiple-family uses, all service areas, loading and unloading activities shall be screened on those portions of the lot which abut a residential use. Screening shall consist of walls, landscaped earthen mounds, fences, natural vegetation or an acceptable combination of these elements, provided that screening must be at least six feet in height.
      (2)   Natural vegetation screening shall have a minimum opaqueness of seventy-five percent (75%) during full foliage. The use of year-round vegetation, such as pines or evergreens, is encouraged. Vegetation shall be planted no closer than three feet to any property line.
   (c)   Screening of Trash Receptacles. 
      (1)   For commercial, industrial, office, institutional, and multiple-family uses, all trash and garbage container systems shall be screened or enclosed by walls, fences, or natural vegetation to screen them from view. Container systems shall not be located in front yards, and shall conform to the side and rear yard pavement setbacks in the applicable zoning District. The height of such screening shall be at least six feet in height.
      (2)   Natural vegetation shall have a minimum opaqueness of seventy-five percent (75%) at full foliage. The use of year-round vegetation, such as pines and evergreens, is encouraged.
    (d)   Buffering and Screening Requirements. 
      (1)   For commercial, industrial, office and institutional uses which abut an existing residential use, a buffer zone with a minimum width of five feet should be created. Such screening within the buffer zone shall consist of fencing, natural vegetation or a combination of both. Vegetation shall be planted no closer than three feet to any property line. Natural vegetation shall have a minimum opaqueness of seventy-five percent (75%) during full foliage and shall be a variety which will attain at a minimum ten feet in height within five years of planting.
   (e)   Perimeter Parking Landscaping.
      (1)    Landscaping within the perimeter setbacks of all parking lots shall be in conformance with the standards established by Chapter 1125.
         (Ord. 21-2020. Passed 12-14-20.)