Temporary structures and uses may be permitted, including a temporary dwelling installed on a single-family residential lot while a permanent dwelling is under construction. Such structures and uses shall comply with all applicable Village Codes and Ordinances, and shall be subject to the following:
(a) Site and Use Standards. Temporary structures and uses shall comply with the following:
(2) The dimensional standards and use provisions of this Ordinance for the district and type of structure or use.
(3) Provisions for emergency vehicle access, off-street parking and loading, drainage and soil erosion.
(4) Other conditions necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare.
(b) Duration. In no event shall a temporary structure or use, other than temporary construction buildings, be permitted on a site for longer than one year. The Zoning Officer may impose a lesser time limit where deemed necessary.
(c) Temporary Construction Buildings. Temporary buildings associated with construction shall not be erected in any district unless a site plan has been approved for the planned structure, and such buildings shall be removed from the site before a final certificate of completion is issued for the final building.
(Ord. 21-2020. Passed 12-14-20.)