(a)    Prior to formal submission of a subdivision plan, the sub-divider shall submit ten copies of the preliminary plan to the Planning Commission for review and comment by the Commission. Said submittal shall be made at least fourteen days in advance of the Planning Commission meeting at which it is to be considered and shall be accompanied by the required fee as set forth in Section 1159.24. Such preliminary plans shall include the general layout of streets and lots, plotted on a topographic map, complying with the technical requirements set forth in Section 1159.06 and the planning principles established in the Zoning Code. The purpose of the preliminary plan is to explore the best design for the subdivision and the best relationship to adjoining subdivisions or undeveloped land; outline a program of improvements; ensure that an adequate water supply and an adequate septic system may be provided to each lot and that extensive and environmentally harmful grading operations will not be required; and obtain the advice, suggestions, and requirements of the Planning Commission before the plan becomes rigid as in a detailed drawing. The submittal of alternative plans is recommended.
   (b)    The Planning Commission shall examine the preliminary plan at its next regular meeting, giving the applicant an opportunity to be heard and answer any questions concerning the plan.
   (c)    Prior to submission of the preliminary plans to the Planning Commission, the Zoning Officer shall review the preliminary plan and profiles against the requirements of these Subdivision Regulations and all applicable ordinances of the Zoning Code of the Village. If the Village has an Engineer in its employ, the Zoning Officer shall forward the plans to the Village Engineer, who shall promptly return a copy of the preliminary plan and profiles to the Zoning Officer, together with his or her comments and recommendations.
   (d)    After the Zoning Officer receives the report of the Village Engineer, if any, and any other comments and recommendations concerning the plan, they shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission for its review and comments.
   (e)   If the Planning Commission finds that the plan meets the requirements of these Regulations and other ordinances of the Village, and it is approved, or it is approved with conditions, the Chairperson shall sign two copies of the preliminary plan and profiles with a notation that the same are approved, subject to any special conditions. One copy shall be delivered to the sub-divider and the other shall be retained by the Planning Commission.
   (f)   If the Planning Commission does not approve the plan and profiles, it shall state in writing the conditions to be complied with before approval may be obtained.
   (g)    Final approval of the preliminary plan and profiles shall assure the sub-divider for a one-year period from the date of approval by the Commission:
      (1)    That the general layout of streets, lots, building sites and other features is approved and has been established as the basis for the preparation of the final plat;
      (2)    That the general terms and any special conditions under which the approval of the plan was granted will not be changed unless additional information or data are received in the meantime that would indicate that changes should be affected; and
      (3)    That the developer may submit drawings and specifications for improvements and a final plat for the subdivision.
         (Ord. 21-2020. Passed 12-14-20.)