The uses of land in the following table have been organized, for ease of use and convenience, into use groups based upon certain characteristics that the grouped uses may share. These use groups are described below:
(a) Animal and Agricultural Uses. These uses primarily involve uses deriving from or related to agriculture, as defined in the Ohio Revised Code.
(b) Residential Uses. These uses primarily involve housing of various types and densities, and associated uses typically found in a residential neighborhood.
(c) Office and Service Uses. These are generally various types of offices as well as service and support uses that may or may not be retail commercial in nature.
(d) Community Uses. These uses are generally publicly-owned or operated uses, or uses of a not-for-profit nature, that primarily involve benefits or services generally provided to a significant portion of the population, or are uses that serve as focal or gathering points for members of the community.
(e) Commercial Uses. These are generally privately-owned or operated uses, or uses of a for-profit nature, that include personal service establishments, financial, executive, administrative, medical and professional offices, retail sales, food service, entertainment, repair services, workshops and studios, and similar associated uses.
(f) Industrial, Research and Laboratory Uses. These are uses that are generally of a light manufacturing, research, warehousing or wholesaling character, or that involve compounding, processing, packaging, assembly, storage, or treatment of products or materials.
(g) Temporary and Special Event Uses. These are uses that are generally of a temporary nature, including but not limited to uses sponsored by the Village or other public or private organizations, and which may or may not involve the construction or occupation of new or existing buildings.
(h) Accessory Use Classifications. These uses are permitted as an accessory to any principal permitted use or conditional uses.
(Ord. 06-2023. Passed 4-11-23.)