(a)    Any of the following will be considered a violation of this chapter:
      (1)    Failure to update information with the Village such as the caretaker's or owner's contact information in a timely manner.
      (2)    Advertising either an Owner-occupied or Short-term Home rental for a capacity in excess of that allowed under the certificate issued by the Village.
      (3)    Permitting a number of persons in excess of that allowed under the certificate issued by the Village to stay at the premises.
      (4)    Failure of the certificate holder or his/her designated caretaker to be available at any time during the tenure of an active Short-term Home rental, or failure of a home owner to be present during the rental of an Owner-occupied Short-term rental.
      (5)    Providing false or misleading information on the application for any short-term rental certificate.
      (6)    Failure to obtain a short-term rental certificate when operating either an
Owner-Occupied Short-term rental or a Short-term Home rental.
      (7)    Failure to comply with any of the standards listed in Section 741.04.
   (b)    Penalties.
      (1)    Any violation of this Ordinance shall be subject to the penalties specified in Section 1149.12 of the Planning and Zoning Code.
      (2)    In addition or as an alternative to the penalties set forth herein, when the Village becomes aware of a violation of this chapter, the Village may send a written notice to the property owner and/or caretaker of the property in violation that describes the location of the property, the nature of the violation, and the specific provisions of this chapter being violated, giving the owner and/or caretaker of the property no less than thirty (30) days to eliminate the violation before action is taken by the Village to cancel the Certificate. The thirty (30) day notice requirement shall not apply when the Village has previously cited the certificate holder for, or provided notice to the certificate holder of, the same type of violation within the past three hundred sixty-five (365) days.
         (Ord. 18-2019. Passed 9-9-19.)