(A)   Extended operations are defined as operations beyond normal work hours and require intra-departmental and/or multi-jurisdictional coordination.
   (B)   The Town Manager or Town Council President determines when the Town of Pendleton (ToP) employees are in extended operations. If the Town Manager or Town Council is absent, a Department Supervisor may initiate extended operations, after consulting with other ToP department supervisors.
   (C)   Examples of extended operations may include the following:
      (1)   County or state-wide declared emergencies;
      (2)   Snow and ice storms;
      (3)   Flooding, tornadoes or earthquakes;
      (4)   Major water main breaks; and
      (5)   Wide-spread power outages.
   (D)   In most cases, after hours operations conducted by "on-call" personnel, isolated water main breaks and limited power outages will not be considered extended operations.
   (E)   The following procedures will be in place once extended operations are declared:
      (1)   Depending on the type of operation, one of the Department Supervisors may be designated as the "Lead Supervisor" and responsible for prioritizing, assigning town equipment, and scheduling all necessary personnel. Other departments and respective supervisors will be in direct support of the Lead Supervisor.
      (2)   Department Supervisors shall maintain accurate work records for each of their employees for possible reimbursement by state and federal agencies. Records per employee shall include the following;
         (a)   Gas and purchases related to the operations;
         (b)   Types of activities (including breaks);
         (c)   Start and finish time of the activity; and
         (d)   The hours and type of equipment used during the activity.
      (3)   The Lead Supervisor may stager employee on-duty times to ensure the necessary coverage during extended operations. Employees shall not be on duty more than 16 hours without eight continuous hours off-duty without permission from the Town Manager.
      (4)   Employees will be paid at 1.5 times their normal hourly rate during extended operations under the following circumstances:
         (a)   Circumstances already designated in the town's Employee Manual;
         (b)   Any work hours beyond eight hours in a day;
         (c)   Any continuous work hours beyond eight hours;
         (d)   Any hours beyond 40 hours of normal pay in a one week period;
         (e)   Any hours outside of the normal 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. work hours; and
         (f)   Employees who have worked less than eight hours in a calendar day, because the extended operations were terminated, the employee was placed off duty to meet safety guidelines, or for other reasons approved by the Town Manager, may be placed on standby and compensated the remaining hours of the day at the normal pay rate.
      (5)   Personnel driving snow plows (or other licensed equipment) continuously on public streets shall be restricted to the following safety guidelines:
         (a)   Eleven hours of driving time within a 14 hour duty period;
         (b)   At least one ½ hour break in the first eight hours of driving and a total of one hour in the 11 hours of driving time;
         (c)   Driving incidental to other types of activities shall not be included in the "11-hour" or "14-hour" rule;
         (d)   Personnel may conduct other activities (other than continuous driving) with supervisor approval once the “11-hour” or “14-hour” rule are exceeded; and
         (e)   Driving shall not resume until the employee has been off duty for at least ten continuous hours.
      (6)   Breaks (including lunch, dinner, etc.) will be considered "on the clock" when an employee is on-duty during extended activities. If scheduled for more than eight hours, employees must be offered at least one hour of total break time after four hours on-duty and before eight hours on-duty, and at least one ½ hour break for every scheduled four hours after the first eight hours.
      (7)   The Town Manager may place all necessary personnel in an "on call status" if the start time of the extended operations is undeterminable (ie. snow accumulation, flash flooding). Personnel placed in an "on call status" will receive on-call pay for that day.
      (8)   Scheduling shall be determined by the Supervisor of the Lead Department. Scheduling priority shall be based on the following:
         (a)   Safety;
         (b)   Town policies and procedures;
         (c)   Needs of the operations; and
         (d)   Seniority of involved personnel.
      (9)   Only the Town Manager or the Town Council President may waive any of the provisions of this policy.
      (10)   During extended operations, "take home" vehicles may be required to be left at the town barn for use by on-duty personnel.
      (11)   Town employees are not allowed to plow private drives with ToP equipment. The only times private drives may be plowed is when emergency personnel (including volunteer firemen), medical personnel (ie., nurses, doctors) and town employees can not otherwise make it to their place of duty or respond to emergencies.
(Ord. 22-10, passed 3-10-22)