No person shall discharge any dangerous weapon, including a firearm, pellet gun, B-B gun, or bow and arrow, within or into the town except:
   (A)   Any authorized law enforcement officer in pursuit of his duty;
   (B)   Any person who is attacked, or reasonably believes himself to be in danger of attack and injury to his person or property, and discharges any weapon to preserve and defend his safety, or the safety of his property; or
   (C)   Any organization registered with the Police Department and approved by it, for the purpose of practicing supervised archery within a designated area not open to the general public.
   (D)   Within the area described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of Old State Road 132 and easterly Interstate 69; thence northeasterly along the easterly right-of-way of I-69 to the north corporate boundary of the Town of Pendleton; thence east along the north corporate boundary of the Town of Pendleton to the intersection of the westerly right-of-way of Conrail Railroad; thence southwesterly along said right-of-way to the intersection with Old State Road 9; thence southwesterly approximately 878 feet along the easterly right- of-way of Old State Road 9; thence west to the west line of Section 16, Township 18 North, Range 7 East; thence south along said section line to the northeast corner of a parcel of land recorded in Deed Record 274 Page 181; thence west along said north property line to westerly right- of-way of Old State Road 132; thence southeasterly along said right-of- way to the west line of said Section 16; thence south along said section line to Fall Creek; thence westerly along the meandering of Fall Creek to the southeast corner of a parcel of land recorded in Deed Record 324 Pate 92; thence northwesterly along said property line; thence west along said property line to the half section line of Section 17, Township 18 North, Range 7 East; thence south along said half section line to the south line of said Section 17; thence west to the northwest corner of a parcel of land recorded in Deed Record 526 Page 21; thence south along said property west line to the northerly right-of-way of State Road 38; thence northwesterly along said north right-of-way to the southwest corner of a parcel of land recorded in Deed Record 688 Page 554, which is also the west section line of Section 17, Township 18 North, Range 6 East; thence north along said section to the half section line of said Section 17; thence westerly along said half section line to the easterly right-of-way of I-69; thence northeasterly along said right-of-way to the place of beginning.
('82 Code, § 35-23-4.1-1(a); Am. Ord. 1994-09, passed 7-19-94; Am. Ord. 1999-01, passed 2-8-99) Penalty, see § 130.99