(A)   For the purpose of this schedule, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"TRUCK." Any vehicle designed or operated for the transportation of property whose body weight or combined body and load weight exceeds five tons and/or has more than six wheels.
   (B)   Restrictions.
      (1)   Trucks whose trip originated from outside the town and whose destination is outside the town shall be operated only on state roads or Interstate 69.
      (2)   The restriction in subsection (B)(1) above shall not prohibit the operation of:
         (a)   Trucks upon any street where necessary to conduct business at a destination point provided that a state road is used until reaching the intersection nearest the destination point.
         (b)   Emergency vehicles upon any street in town.
         (c)   Trucks owned or operated by the town, public utilities, or any contractor or material supplier, while engaged in the repair, maintenance, or construction of streets, street improvements, government services, or utilities within the town.
         (d)   Trucks on officially established detours.
   (C)   Violation and penalty. Adequate signage shall be posted at the town limits on all gateways into town. Violation is subject to a penalty of $100 as defined in Chapter 72, Schedule V(D).
(Ord. 1998-17, passed 10-13-98)