For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE or ATV. Any motorized off-highway vehicle which:
(1) Is 50 inches or less in width;
(2) Has a dry weight of 1,200 pounds or less;
(3) Travels on three or more non-highway tires; and
(4) Is designed for operator use only with no passengers, or is specifically designed by the original manufacturer for the operator and one passenger.
UTILITY-TYPE VEHICLE. Any motorized off-highway vehicle which:
(1) Is 74 inches in width or less;
(2) Is not more than 180 inches, including bumper, in length;
(3) Has a dry weight of 2,000 pounds or less; and
(4) Travels on four or more non-highway tires.
(Ord. 660, passed 5-24-2021)