(A)   This manual is a general informational guide to the village’s current employment policies and shall not be construed as a contract, implied or otherwise. The village reserves the right to amend, delete, supplement or rescind any of the provisions of this manual, as the village deems necessary and appropriate, without advance notice. These policies shall not be construed to create contractual rights or any type of promise or guarantee of specific treatment upon which any employee may rely. The village also reserves the right to deviate from these policies in emergency situations in order to achieve its primary mission of providing orderly and cost-efficient services to its citizens.
   (B)   These personnel policies shall apply to all village employees. They shall not apply to elected officials and independent contractors. In the event of conflict between any provision of this manual and any provision of a valid and effective collective bargaining contract or in cases where the application of these policies would conflict with applicable civil services rules and regulations, the provisions of the labor contract and/or the civil service rules shall govern. In all other cases, these policies shall govern.
(Ord. 648, passed 11-9-2020; Ord. 688, passed 9-11-2023)