Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Granting a development order for Pembroke Meadows, a development of regional impact; approving with conditions the application for development approval for Pembroke Meadows; providing for phasing; providing for commencement and completion date; providing for the mitigation of impacts.
Providing for the development order for the Chapel Trail, a development of regional impact to be located on property located in all or part of Sections 10,11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, inclusive, Township 51 South, Range 39 East.
Providing for the development order for the Pembroke Pines Regional Shopping Center, a development of regional impact to be located on property located in Section 16, Township 51 South, Range 40 East.
Finding the proposed changes to Pembroke Pines Regional Shopping Center, a development of regional impact, as non- substantial deviation.
Amending Ordinance No. 816, a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact; determining that the changes to the development order do not constitute a substantial deviation; amending the land use table and master development plan and reconfiguring land uses.
Finding the proposed change to the Chapel Trail Development of Regional Impact as a non-substantial deviation.
Finding the proposed change to the Pembroke Lakes Regional Center, a development of regional impact as a non- substantial deviation.
Amending Ordinance Nos. 816 and 997 which approved and amended a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact; finding the proposed changes to the previously approved development order do not constitute a substantial deviation.
Amending Ordinance Nos. 816, 997, and 1092 which approved and amended a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact; finding that the proposed changes to the previously approved development order do not constitute a substantial deviation.
Finding the proposed change to the Chapel Trail Development of Regional Impact to be a nonsubstantial deviation.
Approving certain modifications to the Master Development Plan for the city.
Amending Ordinance Nos. 816, 997, 1092 and 1123 which approved and amended a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact; finding that the proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order do not constitute a substantial deviation; amending the Development Order to be consistent with the proposed Master Development Plan map as it relates to the commercial parcel at the southwest corner of Sheridan Street and N.W. 148th Avenue.
Amending Ordinance Nos. 816, 997, 1092, 1123, and 1139 which approved and amended a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact; finding that the proposed changes to the previously approved development order do not constitute a substantial deviation; amending development order to reflect a single phase development plan; amending the timing of certain transportation improvements.
Amending the development order for the Pembroke Pines Regional Shopping Center Development of Regional Impact, as originally approved as Ordinance No. 845 and previously amended by Ordinance No. 985; determining that the changes approved by this amendment to this development order do not constitute a substantial deviation; amending the ownership information and Master Development Plan.
Approving certain modifications to the Master Development Plan for Pembroke Falls as amended by Ordinance No. 1137.
Amending the development order for the Pembroke Pines Regional Shopping Center Development of Regional Impact, as originally approved by Ordinance No. 845 and previously amended by Ordinance No. 985 and Ordinance No. 1172; determining that the changes approved by this amendment to this development order do not constitute a substantial deviation.
Amending Ordinance Nos. 816, 997, 1092, 1123, 1139 and 1166 which approved and amended a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact; finding that the proposed changes to the previously approved development order do not constitute a substantial deviation; amending the Pembroke Meadows development order to reflect increases and decreases in the intensity of previously approved uses and add a new use (amusement).
Amending the development order for the Pembroke Pines Regional Shopping Center Development of Regional Impact, as originally approved by Ordinance No. 845 and previously amended by Ordinance No. 985, Ordinance No. 1172, and Ordinance No. 1195; determining that the changes approved by this amendment to this development order do not constitute a substantial deviation.
Amending the development order for the Pembroke Pines Regional Shopping Center Development of Regional Impact, as originally approved by Ordinance No. 845 and previously amended by Ordinance No. 985, Ordinance No. 1172, Ordinance No. 1195, and Ordinance No. 1241; determining that the changes approved by this amendment to this development order do not constitute a substantial deviation.
Amending Ordinance Nos. 816, 997, 1092, 1123, 1139, 1166 and 1205 which approved and amended a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact; amending the Pembroke Meadows Development Order to reflect increases and decreases in the intensity of previously approved uses and add new uses (private day care/preschool and elementary school); finding that the proposed changes to the previously approved develop-ment order do not constitute a substantial deviation.
Amending Ordinance Nos. 816, 997, 1092, 1123, 1139, 1166, 1205, and 1311 which approved a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact; amending the Pembroke Meadows Development Order to amend the uses and restrictions on uses within a portion of Tract “C,” to allow for the conversion of up to 56,149 square feet of retail use for office or hotel use, at an established square footage equivalency rate.
Amending Ordinance No. 845 which approved a development order for the Pembroke Pines Regional Shopping Center Development of Regional Impact (DRI); amending the Pembroke Pines Regional Shopping Center DRI for Parcel B only to change the owner of record from Nissan Motor Corporation, USA, to Chrysler Realty Corporation and to provide for an extension of the buildout date.
Amending Ordinance No. 816, as amended by Ordinances Nos. 997, 1092, 1123, 1139, 1166, 1205, 1311, and 1363 which approved a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact; amending the Pembroke Meadows Development Order to amend the uses and restrictions on uses within the Employment Center Parcel and the conversion of up to 23 limited service hotel rooms to office use.
Amending Ordinance No. 843, as amended by Ordinances Nos. 943, 1009, 1130, and 1332, which approved a development order for the Chapel Trail Development of Regional Impact (DRI), amending the Chapel Trail DRI to provide for an increase in the permitted square footage of from 102,500 to 224,200 for the approved community facility use.
Amending Ordinance No. 843, as amended by Ordinances Nos. 943, 1009, 1130, 1332, and 1418, which approved a development order for the Chapel Trail Development of Regional Impact (DRI), amending the Chapel Trail (DRI) to provide for an extension for the buildout and downzoning date from November 20, 2002 to November 30, 2004.
Amending Ordinance No. 816, as amended by Ordinances Nos. 997, 1092, 1123, 1139, 1166, 1205, 1311, 1363, and 1389, which approved a development order for the Meadow Development for the Regional Impact to providing for the amendment to the Employment Center Land Use acreage by 4.5 acres and to increase the Community Commercial Land Use acreage by 4.5 acres
Amending Ordinance No. 816, as amended by Ordinances Nos. 997, 1092, 1123, 1139, 1166, 1205, 1293, 1311, 1363, 1339, and 1431, which approved a development order for the Meadow Development for the Pembroke Meadow Development of Regional Impact for the amendment to the Pembroke Meadows development order to shift the self-storage use from the employment center to a certain portion of Tract "C".
Amending Ordinance No. 845, which approved a development order for the Pembroke Pines regional shopping center development of regional impact (DRI); amending the Pembroke Pines regional shopping center DRI to remove parcel B and its approved square footage from the DRI master development plan.
Amending Ord. 789 which approved a development order for the Pembroke Lakes Regional Center Development of Regional Impact to extend the buildout and downzoning dates from June 1, 2001 to June 1, 2008.
Amending Ord. 843 which approved a development order for the Chapel Trail Development of Regional Impact to extend the buildout and downzoning date from November 30, 2004 to December 31, 2009.
Amending Ord. 816, which approved a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact to extend the buildout and downzoning dates for two years from December 31, 2006 to December 31, 2008.
Amending a development order for the Chapel Trail Development of regional impact (DRI); amending the Chapel Trail DRI to increase commercial footage.
Amending a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of regional impact (DRI) to allow middle school and high school uses at the existing facility.
Amending a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of regional impact (DRI) to provide for a simultaneous increase in residential use by 89 dwelling units, and a decrease in commercial square feet from 630,656 to 563,914, on the approximate 12.15-acre parcel of property generally located north of the ice arena within the Flamingo Falls portion of the Pembroke Falls PUD.
Amending Ord. 816, which approved a development order for the Pembroke Meadows Development of Regional Impact, to provide for a simultaneous increase in residential use by 61 dwelling units, and a decrease in commercial square feet from 563,914 to 488,773, on the approximate 7-acre parcel of property generally located within the Flamingo Falls portion of the Pembroke Falls PUD on the west of Flamingo Road and north of Taft Street.
Amending the DRI to extend the buildout and downzoning dates for the DRI from June 1, 2016, until June 1, 2021.
Amending the DRI to reduce the permitted retail commercial to 1,794,300 square feet, reduce the permitted residential development to 80 residential units and adding 1,050 seat movie theater, generally located between Pines Boulevard and Johnson Street, and Flamingo Road and Hiatus Road.
Amending the DRI for Pembroke Meadows to provide for an increase in commercial square feet from 558,417 to 588,417 on the approximately 13 acre parcel of property generally located at 14800 Sheridan Street.
Amending the DRI for Pembroke Lakes Regional Center to delete a portion of Parcel B from the DRI acreage, decreasing commercial development intensity from 1,794,300 to 1,733,718 square feet on the approximately 208 acre parcel of property generally located between Flamingo and Hiatus Roads and between Johnson Street and Pines Boulevard.