(A)   On and after the date of this subchapter all haulers operating in the city shall pay the following franchise fee to city for the privilege of conducting and operating solid waste collection and disposal services on the public streets, roads, alleys, and other thoroughfares of the city. This fee shall be based on the below stated percentage of the hauler's annual gross receipts for all customers located within the city, as reflected in the hauler’s financial books and records, and in the agreements between the hauler and all of its customers in the city. This fee shall be paid to the city in monthly installments, by the 15th day of the month.
Type of Hauling
Commercial trash
Residential trash
Construction and demolition debris
   (B)   Annually on the 30th business day of the calendar year each hauler operating in the city shall file with the City Manager, or his designee, an application, in the form provided by the city, which shall set forth all of the hauler’s gross receipts for the previous year for collection and disposal of solid waste originating in the city, and permits the city to inspect and audit the financial books and records of the hauler to ensure proper payment of the franchise fee amount to the city. Any shortfall or overage discovered by the city during any inspection of the hauler’s records shall be paid by the party owing same within 30 days of written notice from the city.
(Ord. 975, passed 11-6-91; Am. Ord. 1394, passed 1-16-02; Am. Ord. 1749, passed 3-6-13) Penalty, see § 112.99