In any trial of any civil action or proceeding with respect to the enforcement hereof alleging that any person is liable hereunder because such person was the cause of or was a substantial causative factor of an accident requiring emergency medical, fire or police responses while such person was driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, to the extent that his or her normal faculties were impaired, or to the extent that he or she was deprived of full possession of his or her normal faculties, it shall be presumed that a person under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances to the extent that his or her normal faculties were impaired, or to the extent that he or she was deprived of full possession of his or her normal faculties was the proximate cause or was a substantial causative factor of the accident giving rise to the need for emergency medical, police and fire services.
(Ord. 890, passed 5-3-89)