For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Any substance named or described in Schedule I through V of F.S. § 893.03, as such schedules may be amended, from time to time, pursuant to Chapter 893.
   COSTS AND EXPENSES OF EMERGENCY RESPONSES. Shall mean and include, but not be limited to, all costs of labor, medical materials, medical equipment, police equipment, fire equipment, and administrative expenses associated therewith, which shall be expended, used or associated with, occasioned by or connected with any emergency medical, fire or police response and, for the purposes hereof, the costs of emergency medical, fire and police manpower services shall be as set forth on such schedules as the City Council may adopt, from time to time, by resolution.
(Ord. 890, passed 5-3-89)