The office of Public Defender is created for the city. The Public Defender shall be an attorney licensed to practice in the courts of the state.
(‘69 Code, § 5-111)
   (B)   The Public Defender shall be appointed by the City Commission and shall serve at the will of the Commission determined by an affirmative vote of four or more of the commission members.
(‘69 Code, § 5-112)
   (C)   The office of the Public Defender shall be a part-time position, the compensation for which shall be determined by resolution of the Commission.
(‘69 Code, § 5-113)
   (D)   It shall be the duty of the Public Defender to defend all cases assigned to him and to appear in court whenever necessary.
(‘69 Code, § 5-114) (Ord. 292, passed 8-21-72)