This system of City personnel administration shall govern the appointment, promotion, transfer, layoff, dismissal, suspension, removal and discipline of all City employees and certain City officers and shall be based on merit principles and scientific methods in order to foster effective career service in City employment and to employ those persons best qualified for City services which they are to perform.
(a) All appointments and promotions of City officials and employees except those specifically exempted by ordinance, shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness demonstrated by examination or other evidence of competence and to this end, the Commission shall, by ordinance, establish personnel procedures and rules.
(b) The standards or ethical conduct for the City of Pembroke Pines shall be the standards of conduct for public officers and employees of agencies which is set forth in Part III of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, as may be amended from time to time.
(Adopted by electorate, 3-13-84; Amendment adopted by electorate, 11-7-06)
The Fire/Rescue Department shall be responsible for promoting the public safety of all residents of the City through fire prevention, fire suppression, rescue and emergency medical services. The department shall:
(a) Comply with applicable Federal, State and Local fire/rescue standards, policies and regulations.
(b) Maintain all required licenses and certifications through training and continuing education.
(c) Enforce all applicable Federal, State and Local laws in providing for fire safety of all residents.
(Adopted by electorate, 3-13-84; Amendment adopted by electorate, 11-7-06; Amendment adopted by electorate, 11-6-12)
The Police Department shall be responsible for promoting the public safety of all residents of the City through police protection. The department shall:
(a) Comply with applicable National, State and Local police safety standards and procedures.
(b) Maintain all required licenses and certifications.
(c) Enforce all applicable Federal, State and Local laws in providing for the protection of all residents.
(Adopted by electorate, 3-13-84; Amendment adopted by electorate, 11-7-06; Amendment adopted by electorate, 11-6-12)
The Public Services Department shall establish standards, planning schedules and operating procedures for extending, maintaining, repairing and operating water production, distribution and sewage collection facilities.
(Adopted by electorate, 3-13-84; Amendment adopted by electorate, 11-7-06)
(a) Pursuant to the requirements of this Charter and ordinances, the City Manager shall contract for, purchase, store and distribute all supplies, materials and equipment required by any office, department, or agency of the City government. Said purchases shall be made pursuant to the following procedures:
(1) No goods, supplies, materials or services for City purposes or use shall be purchased when the amount to be paid therefore by the City shall exceed that amount the City Commission sets by ordinance for which the City shall require sealed bids, unless notice thereof shall be advertised as provided ordinance. The provision of this section shall not apply where purchases are made from any agency, department or bureau of the United States Government, State of Florida, or any of its political divisions or municipalities. The City Commission may contract with other government agencies for joint, cooperative or pooled purchasing of supplies, goods, materials or services for its present or future needs, and bidding shall not be required for purchases made by this method.
(i) If the City Manager shall determine that based upon specific conditions and circumstances that an emergency exists in regards to the purchases of any commodity, so that the delay incident to giving opportunity for competitive bidding would be detrimental to the interest of the City, then the City Manager shall file with the City Commission a statement under oath certifying the conditions and circumstances.
(ii) Purchases made from any agency, department or bureau of the United States Government, State of Florida, or any of its political subdivisions or municipalities are excepted from bid requirements.
(iii) Any contract with other government agencies for joint, cooperative, or pooled purchasing of commodities.
(iv) Commodities, services, and supplies available only from a single source may be excepted from the bid requirements upon the filing by the City Manager of a certification of conditions and circumstances with the City Commission, if, subsequent thereto, the City Commission authorizes the exceptions in writing.
(2) No contract shall be made by the City for the purchase, lease, or renting of materials and/or equipment for use in any public work or improvement, when the amount to be paid therefore by the City shall exceed that amount for sealed bids prescribed by Florida Statute 180.24, as may be amended from time to time, unless notice or advertisement for bids upon the same shall be published in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.
(3) Requirements of advertising/notice.
(i) The notice required by Paragraph 1 of this Section may refer to general terms, to the extent and nature of the improvement and may identify the same by the short designation indicated in the resolution authorizing such local improvement, and by reference to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. If said resolution shall have given two (2) or more alternative descriptions of the improvement as to its material, nature, character and size, and if the Commission shall not have theretofore determined upon a definite description, the notice may call for bids upon each of such descriptions.
(ii) Said notice shall state the conditions of payments.
(iii) Bids may be requested for the work as a whole or for any part thereof separately, and bids may be asked for any one or more improvements authorized by the same or different resolutions, but any bid covering work upon more than one improvement shall be in such form as to permit a separation of costs as to each improvement.
(iv) The City Commission may by ordinance provide that a bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit. The process for submitting a bid deposit may be specified by ordinance.
(4) When it becomes necessary in the opinion of the Director of Public Services or City Manager to make alterations or modifications in any executory contract for any public work or improvement, such alterations or specifications shall be made only as authorized by the Commission and approved by the City Attorney, upon the written recommendations of the City Manager. No such alteration shall be valid unless the price to be paid for the work or material or both under the altered or modified contract shall have been agreed upon in writing and signed by the Commission or the City Manager, as provide by ordinance.
(5) The City Commission may, by ordinance, specify the criteria to be used for the City to award contracts for public work or improvement and purchases received under sections 2 and 3. The City Commission may for good cause reject any bid even though it may be the lowest.
(6) In the event all bids received are rejected, the Commission shall direct the City Manager to re-advertise or may determine, in the case of public work or improvement, to do the work by City forces without contract. All advertisements shall contain a reservation of the rights contained in this section.
(7) The Commission shall reject any bid received from any individual, firm, corporation, or business enterprise in which any city elected official is currently employed full time in or by said enterprise.
(8) Contracts for public works or improvements or purchases shall be attested by the City Clerk, and signed by the Mayor or City Manager after approval by the City Attorney, and the City Commission, where required.
(Adopted by electorate, 11-7-06)