(A) Initial contact with village.
(1) Meet with responsible authority to discuss the approval process and determine if a plat is required for the project.
(2) If plat is not required, the developer may proceed to the Planning Commission for review and approval.
(a) Necessary information must be filed with responsible authority a minimum of 21 days prior to the next scheduled meeting of Planning Commission.
(b) Request shall normally be approved or disapproved by the Planning Commission within 30 days of its receipt.
(3) If a plat is required, the developer has the option of scheduling a conceptual plan meeting with the responsible authority to be held a minimum of 21 days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. At the conceptual plan meeting:
(a) Necessary fees shall be paid;
(b) Conceptual plan checklist shall be completed;
(c) Conceptual plan shall be filed with the responsible authority; and
(d) The developer shall be placed on the agenda for the next scheduled Planning Commission Meeting.
(B) Conceptual plan review by Planning Commission.
(1) If all pertinent information has been filed by the developer and is found to be in compliance with Zoning and Subdivision Rules and Regulations, the Planning Commission may approve the conceptual plan and allow developer to proceed with preliminary plat preparation
(2) Length of time for conceptual plan approval is 21 days to 51 days depending on the date the conceptual plan was filed (unless applicant waives term limits for PC action).
(C) Preliminary plat meeting. Once the conceptual plan is approved by the Planning Commission, the developer shall schedule a preliminary plat meeting with the responsible authority to be held a minimum of 21 days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. At the preliminary plat meeting:
(1) Necessary fees shall be paid;
(2) Preliminary plat checklist shall be completed;
(3) Preliminary plat shall be filed with the responsible authority; and
(4) The developer may be placed on the agenda for the next scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
(D) Preliminary plat review by Planning Commission.
(1) If all pertinent information has been filed by the developer and is found to be in compliance with zoning and subdivision rules and regulations, the Planning Commission may approve the preliminary plat and allow the developer to proceed with final construction drawing and final plat preparation.
(2) Length of time for preliminary plat approval is normally 21 days to 81 days depending on the date the preliminary plat was filed (unless applicant waives term limits for PC action).
(E) Final construction drawing and final plat meeting.
(1) Once the preliminary plat is approved by the Planning Commission, the developer shall schedule a final construction drawing and final plat meeting with the responsible authority to be held a minimum of 21 days prior to the next scheduled meeting of Planning Commission. At the final construction drawing and final plat meeting:
(a) Necessary fees shall be paid;
(b) Final construction drawing checklist shall be completed;
(c) Final plat checklist shall be completed;
(d) Final construction drawings and final plat shall be filed with the responsible authority; and
(e) The developer may be placed on the agenda for the next scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
(2) At this time the final plat may be submitted in preliminary/draft form at the discretion of the developer. If this option is exercised, the plat will be reviewed for final approval after construction of improvements are complete.
(F) Final construction drawing and final plat review by Planning Commission.
(1) If all pertinent information has been filed by the developer and is found to be in compliance with zoning and subdivision regulations, the Planning Commission may approve the final construction drawings and allow the developer to proceed with construction of improvements for the subdivision.
(2) Length of time for final construction drawing approval normally is 21 days to 81 days depending on the date the final construction drawings and final plat were filed (unless applicant waives term limits for PC action).
(3) Final review of the final plat by the Planning Commission will be completed at the request of the developer after completion of all physical improvements to the subdivision property and compliance with zoning and subdivision regulations.
(G) Final plat meeting. Upon completion of all physical improvements to the subdivision property and compliance with zoning and subdivision regulations, the developer shall schedule a final plat meeting with the responsible authority to be held a minimum of 21 days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. At the final plat meeting:
(1) Necessary fees shall be paid;
(2) Final plat checklist shall be completed;
(3) The final plat shall be filed with the responsible authority; and
(4) The developer may be placed on the agenda for the next scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
(H) Final plat review by Planning Commission.
(1) (a) If all pertinent information has been filed by the developer, and all necessary/required performance and maintenance guarantees are in order, and the plat and construction of all improvements are found to be in compliance with zoning code and subdivision regulations, Planning Commission may approve the final plat and forward it to Village Council for their review and approval.
(b) Length of time for final plat approval by the Planning Commission is 21 days to 81 days depending on the date the plat was filed (unless applicant waives term limits for PC action).
(2) Approval of the final plat by Village Council must take place by ordinance, which will typically require three readings by Council before the ordinance may be passed, after which a 30-day period must pass before the ordinance will go into effect.
(3) The developer may have the option of combining certain steps previously listed in order to expedite the review and approval process of the Planning Commission. This shall be done at the discretion of the responsible authority and/or Planning Commission and at the sole risk of the developer.
(4) This guideline assumes that the developer obtains the necessary approvals at each step encountered during the approval process and does not address all alternate procedures which the developer may opt to follow in order to expedite certain portions of the procedure. Refer to the procedures for subdivision approval flow chart for these alternate procedures as well as steps which must be followed by the developer in the event of a denial of approval by the Planning Commission or Village Council.
(I) Approximate minimum length of time to complete process. Typical minimum length of time to complete the previously described process, not including time for construction, assumes all filings are done 21 days prior to next scheduled meeting of Planning Commission.
Conceptual plan approval | 3 weeks |
Final construction drawing approval | 4 weeks |
Final plat approval from Planning Commission | 4 weeks |
Preliminary plat approval | 4 weeks |
Total time to complete process | 15 weeks* |
*Does not include construction time or Council approval process |
(Ord. 1235, passed 7-16-2002)