For health insurance purposes, full-time employees, regardless of single or family coverage, shall pay 15% of their personal monthly health insurance premium based on the selected village base plan. Employee may choose a buy-up plan and shall pay the premium difference between the base plan and the buy-up plan. An employee’s spouse who is eligible for group health insurance through his or her own employer paid health insurance program will not be covered by the selected village plan. The 15% deduction once established on the first payroll of 2020 will remain the same amount for the 12-month deduction. The 15% deduction will only change if the employee changes marital status, the number of family members, or enrolls in Medicare. Employees who reach age 65 are strongly urged to enroll in Medicare, Parts A & B, with their primary care from Medicare and the village selecting a supplemental policy, subject to the 15% deduction, which mirrors all the benefits in the selected village plan.
(Ord. 1588, passed 12-17-2019)