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1.   Residential Uses in the CBD District. Residential uses are permitted in the CBD District subject to the following conditions:
   A.   Multiple Family Residential uses are permitted in the CBD District only on levels above the main floor level.
   B.   Single Family uses are permitted in the CBD District pursuant to the Dutch Residential Overlay District requirements.
2.   Mobile Home Parks. In the R4 Mobile Home Park District, which permits mobile home residential use, such use may be configured in a Mobile Home Park. Following the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance, no mobile home shall be located outside of a Mobile Home Park. Mobile homes are differentiated from manufactured or modular homes in this chapter in that mobile homes do not have permanent foundations. Manufactured or modular homes with permanent foundations are considered the same as site-built housing with respect to the Zoning Ordinance.
   A.   Approval Requirements. Mobile home parks shall submit site plans in accordance with the provisions of Section 165.36.
   B.   Minimum and Maximum Area. The contiguous area of a mobile home park shall have a minimum of three (3) acres and a maximum of fifteen (15) acres. Each mobile home park shall be considered as a separate mobile home park regardless of adjacency to another previously existing mobile home park.
   C.   Density Requirements.
      (1)   The minimum gross site area per dwelling unit shall be 7,000 square feet.
      (2)   The minimum size of an individual mobile home space shall be 5,500 square feet.
      (3)   Each mobile home space shall have a width of at least fifty (50) feet and a length of at least one hundred ten (110) feet.
   D.   Site Development Standards.
      (1)   Buffer Landscaping. Buffer landscaping shall be required in accordance with Section 165.31 of this chapter.
      (2)   Interior Landscaping. The front, rear and side yards of every mobile home lot/space shall be landscaped with grass and properly maintained thereafter. At least one shade tree shall be provided on every other lot/space (one tree per two lots). Trees shall be located to provide shade for manufactured home park lots/spaces.
      (3)   Open Space. Each mobile home park shall provide a minimum of two hundred (200) square feet of open recreational space per unit. Such space shall be provided at a central location accessible from all parts of the mobile home park by pedestrians. Required perimeter setbacks or buffers shall not be credited toward the fulfillment of this requirement.
      (4)   Separation Between Mobile Home Units. The minimum separation between a mobile home unit and attached accessory structure and any other mobile home units and/or accessory structure shall be ten (10) feet.
      (5)   Separation and Setbacks for Accessory Buildings. An accessory building on a mobile home space shall maintain a minimum rear and side yard setback of five (5) feet. A minimum distance of ten (10) feet shall be provided between any mobile home and an unattached accessory building.
      (6)   Tie Downs. All mobile homes shall be securely tied down at each corner, or in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations.
      (7)   Skirting. All mobile homes shall maintain continuous skirting all around the bottom of the structure to the top of the ground. Skirting shall consist of a durable non-weathering material made for that purpose.
      (8)   Waste Disposal. All mobile home parks shall be provided waste disposal on the basis of one dumpster per each twenty developed lots. All dumpsters shall be screened from view with a 100% opacity fence or wall.
   E.   Street Access and Circulation Requirements.
      (1)   Access to Public Street: Each mobile home park must abut and have access to a dedicated public street with a right-of-way of at least sixty (60) feet. Direct access to a mobile home space/lot from a public street is prohibited.
      (2)   Setback. The nearest building of the mobile home park shall be set back a minimum of thirty (30) feet from the right-of-way of any adjacent public street. This setback shall be properly landscaped with grass and maintained by the owner and/or operator of the mobile home park.
      (3)   Vehicular Circulation. The mobile home park must provide interior vehicular circulation on a private internal street system. Minimum interior street width shall be twenty-seven (27) feet. The street system shall be continuous and connected with other internal and public streets; or shall have a cul-de-sac with a minimum diameter of one hundred (100) feet for the ROW and ninety (90) feet diameter for the paving. No such cul-de-sacs may exceed three hundred (300) feet in length.
      (4)   Separation between Units and Circulation Areas. The minimum distance between a mobile home unit and any attached accessory structure and the pavement of an internal street or parking area shall be ten (10) feet.
      (5)   Sidewalks. Each mobile home park shall provide a sidewalk system along public right-of-way and internal private roads or drives to connect each mobile home space to common buildings or community facilities constructed for the use of its residents; and to the fronting public right-of-way. Sidewalk width shall be at least four (4) feet.
      (6)   Street and Sidewalk Standards. All internal streets and sidewalks shall be hard-surfaced and comply with street and sidewalks requirements of this Code of Ordinances. Electric street lighting is required along all internal streets per City standards for design.
      (7)   Parking Requirements. Each mobile home park must provide at least two (2) off-street parking stalls for each mobile home space.
   F.   Tornado Shelters. Tornado shelters shall be provided in the mobile home park. Such shelter or shelters shall be built according to the recommendations of the Civil Defense authority and be large enough to meet the specific needs of the park and its residents.
   G.   Utilities.
      (1)   All mobile home parks shall provide individual units and common facilities with an adequate, piped private supply of water for both drinking and domestic purposes; and standard electrical service, providing at least one 120-volt and one 240-volt electrical service outlet to each mobile home space.
      (2)   Complete private sanitary and sewer service shall be provided within each mobile home park.
      (3)   Properly spaced and operating fire hydrants shall be provided for proper fire protection within each mobile home park.
      (4)   All electric, telephone, gas and other utility lines shall be installed underground.
   H.   Financial Responsibility. Each application for a mobile home park shall include a demonstration by the developer of financial capability to complete the project; and a construction schedule.
   I.   Completion Schedule. Construction must be begin on any approved mobile home park within one year of the date of approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Such construction shall be completed within two years of approval, unless otherwise extended by the Commission.
   J.   Existing Mobile Home Park Exceptions. Existing R4 District Mobile Home Parks as of the date of adoption of the ordinance codified by this paragraph shall be permitted the following exceptions and modifications:
      (1)   Separation and Setbacks for Accessory Buildings. An accessory building on a mobile home space shall maintain a minimum rear and side yard setback of two feet. A minimum distance of five feet shall be provided between any mobile home and an unattached accessory building.
      (2)   Side Yard. An accessory building on a mobile home space may be placed in the rear or side yards but in no case any closer to the front lot line than the main mobile home structure. No accessory building shall be located in any easement or right of way.
(Ord. 688 - Dec. 05 Supp.)
All other uses and provisions of the Pella Mobile Home Park regulations are incorporated herein by reference.