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1.   Any person or organization desiring to solicit donations of money or property, including solicitation by selling literature or merchandise from door to door or in any public place within the City, for charitable purposes, shall apply for approval to the Police Chief, who shall, within seventy-two (72) hours after being contacted by the said person or organization, either approve or disapprove of the solicitation. If the Police Chief disapproves of the solicitation, the Police Chief shall state in writing the reason for the disapproval and shall notify the person or organization of such disapproval and no solicitation shall be allowed. Any non-local, nonprofit charitable organization desiring to solicit donations within the City for charitable purposes shall comply with the permitting procedures set forth in this chapter; however, payment of a permit fee shall not be required.
2.   If the Police Chief approves of the solicitation, the Police Chief shall, within seventy two (72) hours after being contacted by said person or organization, state in writing such approval and shall so notify the said person or organization that they may so solicit.
3.   The term “charitable purposes” means any organization, campaign or project which has as its primary purpose the furtherance of science, education, philanthropy, religion, the arts or any political campaign, and which is not conducted for personal gain and no portion of the net proceeds of solicitation will inure to the benefit of any individual or shareholder. Any organization to which contributions are deductible for Federal income tax purposes shall conclusively be deemed to be within this definition.