The Airport Commission shall, with the assistance of and in coordination with the staff advisor, have the following responsibilities, powers and duties:
   (A)   Recommend and monitor strategic and long term planning for the airport.
   (B)   On or before April 30 of each year, review and recommend changes (if necessary) to Airport Fees and Charges, Rules and Regulations, and Minimum Standards.
   (C)   Make recommendations in the establishment of essential policies, rules, and regulations relating to the planning, acquisition, disposition, operation, and maintenance of areas and structures owned, leased or otherwise acquired by the town for use in aviation activities. Upon request of the Commission, such recommendations shall be submitted for Council consideration within 60 days.
   (D)   Review and advise concerning safety matters under jurisdiction of the airport.
   (E)   Advise in the prioritization and development of the Airport Capital Improvement Plan and any other airport plans.
   (F)   Assist in establishing policies to assure compliance with FAA and ADOT grant assurances.
   (G)   Review and make recommendation on all proposed leases of 12 months or greater prior to submission of any such lease to the Council.
   (H)   Perform any other function as may be determined from time to time by the staff advisor.
(Ord. 816, passed 12-13-11; Res. 2641, passed 12-13-11; Am. Ord. 842, passed 1-23-14)