The Parks and Recreation Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   To assist and advise the Council, the Directors of Parks and Recreation and Public Works in the establishment of essential policies, rules and regulations relating to the planning, acquisition, disposition, operation, use, care and maintenance of areas and structures owned, leased or otherwise acquired by the town for use as parks and recreational centers.
   (B)   To suggest to the Mayor and Council qualified and interested persons eligible for appointment for Parks and Recreation Commission vacancies.
   (C)   To assist and advise the Council, the Parks and Recreation Director and the Public Works Director in the establishment of essential policies, rules and regulations relating to the planning, acquisition, disposition, operation, use, care and maintenance of areas and structures owned, leased or otherwise acquired by the town for use as parks and recreational centers.
   (D)   To assist and advise the Director in the development of a continuing plan for the town park system and its recreation program. The Town Clerk, through the Director, shall from time to time send such plans and programs to the Parks and Recreation Commission for its review. The results of the reviews shall be forwarded to the Council for its review.
   (E)   To assist and advise the Director in establishing priorities at budget time for those items other than administrative functions relating to park acquisition, development and recreation programs. The recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be forwarded to the Council by the Chief Fiscal Officer when he or she submits the tentative budget to the Council.
   (F)   To receive, accept and acquire, subject to final action by the Council, by gift, real or personal property of every kind in the name of the town for park and recreational purposes subject to the terms of the gift.
   (G)   To recommend to the Council for appointment, the creation and membership of committees that are deemed helpful to the parks and recreation program.
   (H)   To suggest to the Mayor and Council qualified and interested persons eligible for appointment for Parks and Recreation Commission vacancies.
(Res. 1956, passed 7-22-04; Ord. 654, passed 7-22-04; Am. Ord. 757, passed 2-19-09; Am. Ord. 842, passed 1-23-14)