(A)   The duties of each board, committee, or commission shall be determined by the Council, or when appropriate, by state law. Each board, committee or commission shall only discuss or take action on items as directed by state statute, town code, and/or the Town Council.
   (B)   A majority of the total number of regular positions as determined by resolution shall constitute a quorum. Each board, committee or commission shall cause minutes to be kept of the proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon every question, or if absent and failing to vote, indicating that fact, and shall keep records of the board, committee, or commission's examinations or other official actions. Such minutes shall be reviewed and approved prior to transmittal to the Council. A member may abstain from voting only upon a declaration that he or she has a conflict of interest, in which case such member shall take no part in the deliberation on the matter in question.
   (C)   The Council from time to time shall adopt a Boards and Commissions Code of Conduct, Ethics, and Behavior, and each member shall upon being sworn in, sign an acknowledgment of having received and read such code.
   (D)   The Council from time to time shall adopt rules and procedures for conducting board, committee and commission meetings, and each member shall have a duty to familiarize him or herself of such rules and procedures. Any board, committee or commission shall have authority to write additional bylaws for governing its meeting procedures subject to approval of the Council.
   (E)   Annually, all members of boards, committees and commissions must attend open meeting law, conflict of interest and code of conduct training provided by town staff. New members must attend open meeting law, conflict of interest and code of conduct training within the first 180 days of appointment or the next scheduled training session, whichever is sooner.
   (F)   No board, committee, or commission shall incur debts, make any purchases or enter into any contracts binding the town.
   (G)   No board, committee, or commission shall receive any funds.
   (H)   (1)   For the purposes of this chapter, the terms board, committee, and commission shall be defined as follows:
         BOARD. A standing group that meets as needed, whose functions are determined by the Town Council and/or state law.
         COMMISSION. A standing group with continuing regularly scheduled meetings, whose functions are determined by the Town Council and/or state law.
         COMMITTEE. A temporary group appointed by the Town Council for a particular matter, task, or duty.
      (2)   All advisory groups to the Town Council shall be named in accordance with the provisions of this division (H) unless the name is contrary to state and/or federal law.
   (I)   Except as otherwise may be required by law, the Council may designate a board, committee, or commission inactive.
      (1)   While inactive, a board, committee, or commission shall not meet or be required to perform any function. The inactive designation may be for a time certain or indefinitely.
      (2)   The expiration date of the terms for members of an inactive board, committee, or commission shall remain unchanged.
      (3)   The Council may reactivate an inactive board, committee, or commission at any time. At the time of the reactivation, the Council shall ensure that the board, committee, or commission has a quorum of members. Any new members appointed following the reactivation shall have terms of one, two, or three years if necessary to provide staggered terms.
      (4)   Any board, committee, or commission that lacks a quorum of active members for more than 90 days shall be deemed inactive.
      (5)   Any member serving on an inactive board, committee, or commission may apply for a vacancy on another board, committee, or commission. If appointed to another board, committee, or commission, the member shall vacate his/her position on the inactive board, committee, or commission.
(Res. 1956, passed 7-22-04; Ord. 654, passed 7-22-04; Am. Ord. 757, passed 2-19-09; Am. Ord. 827, passed 3-21-13; Am. Ord. 842, passed 1-23-14; Am. Res. 3266, passed 11-18-21; Am. Ord. 939, passed 11-18-21)