(A)   The International Building Code, 2018 Edition, published on or after August 31, 2017 by the International Code Council Inc., is adopted.
   (B)   The following local amendments to the International Building Code are proposed to be adopted:
      (1)   Section 101.4 Referenced Code. The last line after the words, “code to” is revised to read: “such codes that have been specifically adopted by the Town of Payson.”
      (2)   Section 104.10.1 Flood hazard areas. This subsection is not adopted.
      (3)   Insert new § 105.8 Construction Debris. “Construction sites shall be kept reasonable clear of construction debris during the course of construction. Construction debris shall be removed or stored on the site and not be at risk of being displaced due to weather conditions”.
      (4)   Section Design Flood Elevations. This subsection is not adopted.
      (5)   Section 109.4 Work commencing before permit issuance. Add the following language to the end of this section: “An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be collected whether or not a permit is then, or subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall be equal in amount to the permit that would have initially been required to authorize such work to be done, except that the minimum amount to be collected may be not less than $70.”
      (6)   Section Flood hazard documentation. Subsection is amended to read: “If located in a flood hazard area, documentation of the elevation of the lowest floor as required by adopted city floodplain ordinances shall be submitted to the Town engineering department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.”
      (7)   Section 412.4.5 Height and Area limits (Residential Aircraft Hangars). This subsection is not adopted.
      (8)   Section 903.2.8. The following language is added to the end of the subsection: “Except for single family detached and duplex structures with less than 4800 sq. ft. of livable area.”
      (9)   Table 2902.1. Add footnote (g) Drinking fountains are required for occupant loads exceeding 99 occupants.
      (10)   Appendix chapters are not specifically adopted.
(Res. 2056, passed 5-12-05; Am. Ord. 668, passed 5-12-05; Am. Res. 2332, passed 11-1-07; Am. Ord. 726, passed 11-1-07; Am. Res. 2818, passed 12-18-14; Am. Ord. passed 12-18-14; Am. Res. 3180, passed 1-23-20)