§ 110.10 EXEMPTIONS.
   No business license shall be required for the following:
   (A)   The practice, transaction or carrying on of any business, game or amusement, calling, profession or occupation which is solely engaged in delivery.
   (B)   Any agency or department of the United States Government or the State of Arizona not subject to municipal taxation.
   (C)   Hospitals, whether or not operated for profit.
   (D)   Physicians, surgeons or nurses not engaged in private practice.
   (E)   Residential rental units of three or less.
   (F)   Sellers of agricultural produce grown within the town by the seller.
   (G)   Religious, charitable or other non-profit organizations, institutions or associations.
   (H)   Any hobby or crafts sales in which the seller is the creator or a non-paid representative of the creator and for which the gross sales of each hobbyist and craftsman shall not exceed $3,000 in any 12-month period of time.
   (I)   Employees of any business, game or amusement, calling, profession or occupation either possessing a business license or exempt from having to possess a business license.
(‘82 Code, 8-1-11) (Am. Ord. 550, passed 10-14-99; Am. Res. 2248A, passed 4-5-07; Am. Ord. 709A, passed 4-5-07) Penalty, see 110.99