(A)   Authorization.
      (1)   No person shall operate a motor vehicle on the airport without a valid driver’s license.
      (2)   Any airport user wishing to utilize a motor vehicle on the airport shall have completed and passed the prescribed driver training course prior to operating such motor vehicle, or be escorted by a driver who has taken such driver training course.
   (B)   Operation of motor vehicles.
      (1)   Motor vehicles shall be operated only on paved surfaces of the airport or other areas as may be authorized by the Manager and then only under the Rules. Except for emergency vehicles responding to an emergency call, an aircraft has right-of-way over a motor vehicle. All motor vehicles shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrians at all times.
      (2)   No person shall operate a motor vehicle on the airport in a negligent or reckless manner.
      (3)   All persons who are authorized by the Manager for motor vehicle access to the airport shall comply with the motor vehicle laws of the State of Arizona and the Rules.
      (4)   The following speed limits shall be observed by all operators of a motor vehicle on the airport:
         (a)   Five miles per hour within ten feet of an aircraft.
         (b)   Ten miles per hour on aircraft parking ramps.
         (c)   Twenty-five miles per hour on roads and taxiways.
   (C)   Vehicle accident. Each operator of a motor vehicle involved in an accident between that motor vehicle and an aircraft, or in any other motor vehicle accident on the airport that results in personal injury or in total property damage of more than $50, shall make a full report thereof to the Manager as soon as possible after the accident. The report must include the name, address, phone number, and insurance information of the person involved in such accident.
   (D)   Vehicle repair. Except as authorized, no person shall clean or make any repairs to motor vehicles anywhere on the airport grounds other than designated shop areas, except those minor repairs necessary to remove the motor vehicle to a proper location.
   (E)   Parking areas. The Manager may designate areas appropriate for motor vehicle parking as well as applicable time limits. No person shall park or store a motor vehicle on the airport except in areas specifically designated by the town. Such designated parking areas shall be marked by appropriate signage. Persons may park their motor vehicles in or near their hangar or tie-down while the aircraft is being used or is away from the airport.
      (1)   No person shall park a motor vehicle on a ramp area so as to impede or protrude into the normal flow of taxiing aircraft.
      (2)   No person shall park or stand a motor vehicle within 15 feet of a fire hydrant on the airport grounds, or park in such manner as to block any fire gate or entrance.
      (3)   No person shall park a motor vehicle in such manner as to occupy more than one parking space.
      (4)   The Manager may remove, at the owner’s expense, any motor vehicle which is parked on the airport in violation of this division or any other Rule. The motor vehicle shall be subject to a lien for the cost of removal.
   (F)   Gate access. All motor vehicles accessing the airport shall enter and exit the airport using gate privileges as prescribed by the Manager. Failure to comply with the Rules is deemed as a waiver of privileges otherwise granted by the Manager under this division. All gate users shall ensure the gate is closed before leaving the immediate area of the gate. Bravo Gate is for aircraft use only and shall not be used by motor vehicles.
(Ord. 824, passed 9-20-12; Res. 2681, passed 9-20-12) Penalty, see § 95.99