§ 119.03 CRANE SITING.
   (A)   The permit applicant shall submit to the city’s Building Inspector all required applications and/or approvals related to the operation of the crane on site, including but not limited to any required by the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) pursuant to 14 CFR Part 77 and FAA Advisory Circular AC70/7460-2K. Prior to the erection of the crane, the permit applicant shall submit to the Building Inspector a crane operational plan which includes:
      (1)   A site plan identifying the location of the crane; clearances from power lines, including overhead power lines; the location of adjacent buildings; and the structural foundation of the crane;
      (2)   Documentation as to the qualifications of the crane operator;
      (3)   Documentation of the crane inspections performed periodically by a qualified and competent crane inspector to ensure that safety measures are in place during operation;
      (4)   Documentation that the crane lighting meets all FAA requirements; and
      (5)   Documentation of communication and signaling requirements for use with the operation of a crane.
   (B)   Failure to provide the Building Inspector with a crane operational plan may result in one or all of the following:
      (1)   Issuance of a stop-work order; and
      (2)   The imposition of fines as set forth in § 119.99.
(Ord. 11-16, passed 6-13-11) Penalty, see § 119.99