(A)   Aeronautical activities. All aeronautical activities at this airport and all flying of aircraft departing from or arriving in the airspace above this airport shall be conducted in conformity with the current pertinent regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration, Civil Aeronautics Board, State of Illinois and the city.
   (B)   Closing of field. In the event the Airport Manager believes the conditions of the airport or any part of the airport to be unsafe for landing or take-offs, it shall be within his or her authority to issue a NOTAM closing the entire airport or any part thereof. This shall be filed with the F.A.A. Flight Service Station. The same procedure will be followed when the field is again usable.
   (C)   Disabled aircraft.
      (1)   All disabled aircraft and parts thereof on the airport shall be promptly removed from public view by the owners, except for crashed aircraft which shall be promptly removed when authorized by appropriate federal or state authorities.
      (2)   If any person refuses to move an aircraft as directed by the Airport Manager, the aircraft may be towed away or otherwise removed by the Airport Manager at the owner or operator’s expense and without liability for damage which may result in the course of or after such moving. The same shall apply to removal of a wrecked or damaged aircraft and its parts.
   (D)   Repairing of aircraft. No person or firm shall repair an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller or other aeronautical equipment or apparatus, nor employ a certificated aircraft mechanic in any area of the airport other than that specifically designated for such purposes; except that minor adjustments may be made while the aircraft is on a loading ramp preparatory to take-off, and when such adjustment is necessary to prevent a delayed departure; further except that owners of aircraft based at the Paxton Airport may perform preventive maintenance on their own airplane only in and on hangar or leased tie down space.
   (E)   Engine starting and run-up.
      (1)   Aircraft run-up or other engine test operations at Paxton Airport shall not be performed in any area that would result in a hazard to other aircraft, persons or property and in no case closer to the terminal building than 500 feet.
      (2)   No person shall start or run any engine in any aircraft unless a competent person is in the aircraft attending the engine controls. Blocks shall always be placed in front of wheels before starting the engine or engines, unless the aircraft is provided with adequate parking brakes. No persons shall run the engine or engines of any aircraft at any location on the airport in such manner as to cause damage to other aircraft or property or in such manner as to cause damage to other aircraft or property or in such a manner as to blow paper, dirt or other materials across taxiways or runways in such manner as to endanger the safety of operations on the airport.
   (F)   Aircraft parking.
      (1)   No person shall park aircraft in any area on the airport other than that prescribed by the Airport Manager.
      (2)   At least three tie down positions will be available at all times for parking of business aircraft while discharging or loading passengers and cargo, and two hours of free parking will be allowed in this area.
      (3)   Users of tie down spaces shall be solely responsible for securing users airplane to tie downs and for the effectiveness of their tie down procedures.
   (G)   Airport facility damage. Any person damaging any light, fixture or other airport facility by means of contact with aircraft shall report such damage to the Airport Manager's office immediately and shall be fully responsible for any costs required to repair or replace the damaged facility.
   (H)   Taxiing.
      (1)   No aircraft shall be operated in a careless or reckless manner or taxied except at a safe and reasonable speed.
      (2)   Aircraft shall be taxied in accordance with prescribed taxiing patterns at all times.
      (3)   No airplane shall be operated on the airport unless it is equipped with a tailwheel or a nosewheel and wheel brakes, except with the permission of the Airport Manager. When any pilot of an airplane that is not equipped with adequate brakes receives permission from the Airport Manager to taxi such airplane, the pilot shall not taxi the airplane near buildings or parked aircraft unless an attendant is at the wing of the airplane to assist the pilot; provided, that an airplane with wings and tail higher than five feet from the ground that does not have adequate brakes shall be not taxied on the airport but shall be towed if it is necessary to move such an airplane.
   (I)   Landing and take-offs.
      (1)   Unless otherwise authorized or directed, pilots approaching to land an airplane must circle the airport to the left and pilots approaching to land in a helicopter must avoid the flow of fixed-wing traffic.
      (2)   Procedures to be used when landing: all pilots shall follow the established traffic pattern and landing procedures as provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration.
      (3)   Procedures to be used when taking off: all pilots shall follow the established traffic pattern and taking off procedures as provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration.
      (4)   Fixed-wing aircraft shall take off or land on runways only.
      (5)   Take-offs and landings over populated areas shall be kept to a minimum in the interest of public safety and convenience, and pilots using the Paxton Airport shall conform to any applicable noise abatement procedures established by the city.
      (6)   Prior authorization is required before air ships, dirigibles, motorless aircraft or aircraft with a total gross weight in excess of 12,500 pounds land or take off at Paxton Airport.
      (7)   The above procedures will apply in every case except when emergency conditions exist.
   (J)   Landing fees. The owner or operator of each aircraft used as a common carrier or other transient aircraft carrying passengers or cargo for hire that shall land at the Paxton Airport shall pay to the city such landing fees as are established by this subchapter.
(Ord. 78-19, passed 8-14-78)