The beds of all vehicles used in the collection of all garbage or refuse or yard waste shall conform to the following requirements:
(A) They shall at all times be kept in a neat, clean and sanitary condition;
(B) They shall be kept thoroughly cleaned so that when empty they will give off no offensive or obnoxious odors;
(C) They shall not be overloaded and no vehicle shall exceed a gross vehicle weight of 65,000 pounds;
(D) They shall not be parked on the streets of the city in any one place for a period longer than is necessary to load the garbage, refuse or yard waste of the customer being immediately served;
(E) The vehicle hauling garbage, refuse or yard waste shall at all times be kept neatly painted;
(F) The driver of any such vehicle must be a person of good moral character, have a valid driver’s license issued by the State of Illinois and be at least 18 years of age;
(G) Vehicles shall be equipped with a watertight bed and tightly fitted with covers and be so constructed that no garbage, refuse, industrial refuse, undesirable refuse, hazardous waste or special waste conveyed therein shall be scattered or left in or upon any street, alley or sidewalk in the city.
(Ord. 92-17, passed 6-8-92)
Vehicles to be covered, see § 93.21