A.   Each calendar year, or at such intervals as may hereafter be promulgated by the Department of Agriculture, every owner or keeper of a dog three (3) months or more of age shall cause such dog to be inoculated against rabies. The owner or keeper of such dog shall cause a serially numbered tag evidencing the inoculation to be attached to a collar or harness worn by the dog.
   B.   The inoculation of dogs required by subsection A of this Section shall be performed by a veterinarian duly licensed to practice his profession in this State. Upon performing the inoculation, the veterinarian shall issue to the owner or keeper a certificate showing that fact and the date of the performance; the owner or keeper shall procure from Sangamon County a metallic or other suitable tag to be attached to the collar or harness of the dog, which tag shall also certify to the fact and date of inoculation against rabies. The tag issued shall be in the form as shall be determined by the Illinois Department of Agriculture.
   C.   At any reasonable time upon request of any member of the Police Department, the owner or keeper of any unmuzzled dog shall exhibit his certificate issued under the provisions of subsection B of this Section showing the inoculation against rabies of any dog owned or controlled by him. (Ord. 96-12, 9-9-1996)